Significant risk and uncertainties in brief

Ziccum's significant risk and uncertainty factors include business-related risks as well as risks related to market and technology development, patents, competitors and future financing.

The company's value is largely dependent on the success of the company's development projects and the ability to enter into partnerships, and that LaminarPace receives broad market acceptance. Ziccum is in the commercialization phase and there is a risk that the company will not reach sufficient profitability. 

The company has not generated sufficient income to achieve a positive cash flow, which means that the company needs access to capital before its cash flow becomes positive.

It is the company's assessment that the company has the required financing by the end of Q2 2022.

In light of the outbreak of the coronavirus and COVID-19, Ziccum is closely monitoring the development of events and taking measures to minimize or eliminate the impact on the company's operations. Ziccum follows guidelines from the Swedish Public Health Agency, WHO and ECDC (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control). Ziccum has been able to continue its internal operations without significant impact on COVID-19. However, there is a risk of delays in the Company's external collaborative projects due to the pandemic.

Latest updated: 2/25/2022 11:38:52 AM by